Consultations + design process


To kick off your project, determine whether you will go ahead with the purchase of a property, explore the potential of a property you already own, upgrade your rental investment, flip a property, or want to enquire about design feasibilities or design option studies. simply book an Initial Consultation or Pre-Purchase Consultation with us.

Our dual qualifications in Property Development and Architecture uniquely position us to provide comprehensive Initial Consultations and Pre-Purchase Design Advice services, combining expert knowledge and practical experience.

Fees: $480 for a 1 to 2 hour discussion at your development site or a property you consider purchasing. 

To make an appointment: Please complete the appropriate form below or send an email to

Please refer to Terms and Conditions and FAQs below.


Pre-Purchase Design Advice

Elevating purchaser confidence through vision and awareness. Please book a Pre-Purchase Design Advice consultation* if you would like to get an overview of the potential constraints and opportunities of a site you are considering purchasing.

Why Pre-Purchase Design Advice Matters:

Confidence: Our consultations provide buyers with the confidence to envision a property's potential and constraints and give them a greater awareness of some of the main risks before committing.

Visualising Potential: We help buyers see beyond the current state of a property, unlocking its hidden potential.

Streamlined Decision-Making: By offering design insights upfront, we streamline the decision-making process, empowering buyers to make informed choices.

During our Pre-Purchase Design Advice meeting we talk about big picture items such as:

o buyer vision and long-term goals for the property

o potential site constraints and opportunities arising from the site itself and its context, the planning framework, the title, authorities involved, and inspection reports available for the property, provided by the Real Estate or Buyers Agent

o a vision that aligns with purchaser budget

o minor adjustments to optimise property functionality in the short term, and potential hidden costs

o the development process for a site (design process, approvals pathways, timeframes, consultant fees, construction and costs).


Initial Consultation

Please book an Initial Consultation to kick off your Architectural Design Process with us. This Consultation is intended to look at the big picture and collaboratively develop an achievable project brief, which will form the foundation for our fee proposal to you.

We will discuss:

o your goals

o potential site constraints and opportunities

o approvals pathways to realise your goals

o your budget and construction costs: is your initial budget realistic for your aspirations and objectives (see FAQ below on initial construction budget); alternatives and temporary solutions if your budget does not align with your vision for your site

o our involvement in the process from site analysis to completed project

o consultant fees: our fees, indicative fees of other consultants and authorities, deliverables, construction contracts we are using/ not using and why

o builders and what to look out for

o sustainable design features and materials

o timeframes.

You can download ‘Our Architectural Design Process’ after completing the Initial Consultation booking form to learn more about the design and procurement process.

Additional Services, such as the provision of reports, conceptual design services, Design Feasibility Studies and detailed research, are available for extra fees, which are agreed upon on a case-by-case basis.


Our Architectural Design Process

What happens after your Initial Consultation?

DOWNLOAD your journey from Concept to Completion explained in detail after you have submitted your booking form for the Initial Consultation. You will receive a link with your enquiry.


o Kicking off your project

o Concept Design - Exploration of options in sketch form

o Design Development - Finalising the design

o Design Development - Approvals (DA or CDC Part 1)

o Design Development - Your other consultants

o Construction Documentation Stage 1 - Approvals (CC or CDC Part 2)

o Construction Documentation Stage 2 - Tender Documentation 

o Construction Documentation - Finalising Selections

o Contractor Selection

o Your Building Contract

o Contract Administration + Post Construction

You will receive your download link with your booking.

Please also refer to our Blog page ‘Less is more - studio203 in the new Your Home Book’ to find out more about how we engage with materiality.


Initial Consultation - General Advice

You can also book an Initial Consultation* if the advice you require is of a more general nature. This consultation will provide you with tailored guidance, helping you make informed decisions and effectively plan your property improvements.

Scenarios for General Advice:

o to get an overview of the potential constraints and opportunities of a site or property you already own

o assistance with your scope in order to develop an achievable project brief for a future project

o temporary solutions to optimise property functionality in the short term, for instance, when you wish to make improvements before moving in or renting it out

o to find out more about the development process for a site (such as the approval pathways available, consultants involved, fees, building contracts, how to incorporate sustainable design and save energy in the long term, etc)

o to obtain a fee proposal from us for early, analytical project phases only, such as Design Feasibility or Masterplan Studies, to explore the development potential, possibilities and constraints

o to obtain a fee proposal for specific services, such as concept design phases or interior design services only

o to obtain a fee proposal from us for organising minor adjustments to your property to optimise its functionality

Additional Services, such as the provision of reports, conceptual design services, Design Feasibility Studies and detailed research, are available for extra fees, which are agreed upon on a case-by-case basis.


Terms and conditions

The Initial Consultation and Pre-Purchase Consultation provide verbal design advice only. Pre-Purchase consultations are available for Sydney Metro only.

Extra charges apply to travel time for distances: Sydney >5km from the office, ACT >10km from Civic, and Braidwood >10km from the town centre.

Initial, Pre-Purchase and General Advice Consultations and Additional Services are pre-paid services. You will receive a payment link with your booking confirmation. Payment can be made online or via direct deposit.

Additional Services, such as the provision of reports and written advice, conceptual design services, Design Feasibility Studies, and detailed research, are available for an additional fee. These fees are are subject to separate fee proposals.

Please note that Initial, Pre-Purchase and General Advice Consultations assist in providing a general overview and do NOT include specialist consultant advice, including but not limited to building inspection services, structural or specialist engineering, services or sustainable design advice, services, or legal, heritage and specialist townplanning, or advice by Council and authorities. We may advise you to engage a specialist consultant to investigate certain aspects of your project or a site you intend to purchase.

The Initial and Pre-Purchase Consultations do NOT replace the need to conduct independent building and pest inspections by suitably qualified persons.

Please note that Studio203 does not provide cost advice but will offer an indication of whether your brief and budget seem aligned with your aspirations. Detailed cost advice should always be obtained from a professional cost consultant (a quantity surveyor) or a builder. Please be aware that obtaining reliable cost forecasts require the provision of sufficiently detailed project documentation, including drawings and supporting documentation, starting at initial stages of a project. Refer to FAQ: ‘How much should I allow for my initial construction budget?’

  • Project budget and construction costs: some indicative figures on architecturally designed custom houses (use high-level finish) can be obtained from

    These figures are construction costs only and do not include fees for consultants and authorities. Construction costs can vary significantly and depend on factors such as location, access, site constraints, type of building, size and complexity, construction methods, materials used, availability and cost of skilled labor in your area, remediation and restoration requirements, energy rating, acoustic, flood and fire-rating measures, the required timeframe, etc. Detailed cost advice should always be obtained from a professional cost consultant (a quantity surveyor) or a builder.

    Notably, alterations and additions, as well as small builds, typically attract higher construction costs and fees per square metre than larger or new custom houses at the same level of ‘finish’, a term often misinterpreted (refer our Blog Post ‘Less is more’ Living on the property during construction will also typically add to construction costs and tends to prolong the build.

    Cost forecasts are influenced by inflation and many other factors: when a builder or cost consultant provides a customer with an estimate or cost forecast at today's date, it's important to recognise that the costs for the same project could rise by the time you're ready to build and sign a contract. Additionally, the perceived increase in costs may also stem from the additional detail available to the cost consultant/ builder towards the end of the planning phase compared to the project's initial stages. Cost forecasts during an early project phase serve only as an approximation of costs, as opposed to the quotes received from builders at the end of a fully documented project, which are reflections of current market prices. Fully documented projects will include all specialist consultants and authority input, as well as all construction drawings, schedules and specifications.

    For more information on Quantity Surveryors we recommend reading ‘Quantity Surveyors: Do I Need One for My Building Project?’ by Homebuilding & Renovating UK. In Australia, the AIQS (The Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors) is the peak body for built environment cost professionals in Australia.

    So, when budgeting for your dream project, keep in mind the golden rule: 'You get what you pay for.' Investing in well-researched project documentation now, prioritising quality construction (often mistaken as ‘finishes’), and selecting the right builder for the project and chosen contract will lead to fewer headaches later and better long-term outcomes.