Our award-winning proposal for the UIA-hosted International Urban Design Competition envisions the transformation of the Karolina Mine Complex in the city of Ostrava, Czech Republic, into a new city quarter of 97,000sqm retail, 67,000sqm office and 78,000sqm residential functions.

Spanning 30 hectares and established in 1843, the large brownfield site sits between the city center, the steel production hub Vítkovice and the European Cultural Monument site Hlubina Mine. Originally housing mine shafts, coking plant, furnaces, and more, the mining complex gradually ceased operations between 1964 and 1985, leaving behind a mix of landmark structures and industrial wasteland.

Ostrava, a city evolving from its natural resource wealth, sees Karolina as a pivotal opportunity to honour its past while embracing future possibilities.

Our proposal reconciles modern urban needs with industrial heritage to craft a unique identity for Ostrava. Emphasising layering and connectivity, it explores the aesthetics of industrial landscape and the discontinuity of its urban fabric, of fragmentation and surprise, whilst emphasising connectivity and legibility. It establishes patterns which are flexible and adaptable. 

The proposal identifies buildings and places of significance and connects these by way of green spaces, pedestrian networks and public transport systems. The connections relate to existing patterns such as the disused rail corridor and bridges, industrial remnants and existing buildings. Landmark ‘follie’ towers reminiscent of mining structures serve as orienting landmarks, rising above the consistent height of the urban block pattern. 

Public and cultural functions are placed along the riverbank green space so as to open the city to the Ostravice river and to maximise opportunities for viewing of facilities with the greatest iconic potential. New public spaces are established around icons of industrial heritage, an elevated former dump, the city theatre, the railway station and around new concert halls. Streetscapes echo the historic center's interplay of long, narrow streets and open squares.

Regional facilities such as office centres and shopping complexes are situated near arterial roads and transport hubs, ensuring accessibility and economic vitality. 

Team: Angela Rheinlaender and David Haseler
Organiser : Ostrava Municipal Council
Endorsed by: UIA - International Union of Architects