NGUNNAWAL COUNTRY. A new home of three cascading pavilions embraces views over bushland whilst being sheltered by its masonry spine.

The sloping site forms part of the former Stromlo Forestry Settlement, one of four forrestry settlements established in the ACT and enjoys beautiful views. When in 2003 the Canberra bushfires raged through the village, seventeen of its twenty homes for forestry workers were destroyed. The project site is one of the three sites that were spared by the fires.

The design concept of three pavilions is inspired by the settlement’s distinct topography with compact worker’s cottages oriented towards sun and views. The central pavilion assumes the location of the original cottage.

Challenges include the stringent conditions of an old lease contract, bushfire prone land and achieving a minimum six star energy rating.

Face blockwork walls and concrete floors create thermal mass, offset by the warmth of exposed glulam beams, CLT walls and timber linings. Facades are kept in metal, masonry and glazing. A steel frame to the north-eastern facade contains roofed outdoor spaces and adjustable shading elements to keep the home cool in summer.

A highly insulated shell, double glazing and hydronic slab heating throughout are to keep the home warm in cold Canberra winters.

Water consumption is minimised through rainwater harvesting and water saving landscape design.

Team: David Haseler, Angela Rheinlaender
Builder: tbc
Structural Engineer: Northrop
Civil and Hydraulic Engineer: Northrop
ESD and Energy Consultant: Integreco