

NGUNNAWAL COUNTRY. A single storey dual occupancy at the rear of a level block in Canberra’s suburb of Waramanga, creates a sheltered private courtyard within a winged layout whilst opening up roof sections for solar access deep into the dwelling.

The brief was for a 130sqm second dwelling on an unassuming, suburban Canberra block and the provision of garages servicing both the existing and the new dwelling. Within a very limited budget, the design was to be 'investor-friendly', modern, energy-saving, and stand out from the conventional dual occupancies offered on the Canberra market.

A compact and efficient floor plan was developed, with bedrooms located around a north-facing central living and dining area, thereby eliminating the need for corridors and maximizing 'useful' area. Externally, bedroom wings wrap around and semi-enclose a north-facing central terrace area while retaining existing trees and shielding the dwelling against overlooking by neighboring dwellings. At the intersection of the two east-facing bedroom wings, a private terrace opens up to morning sun, enjoyed equally by both bedrooms.

Roof sections are raised saw-tooth profiles, with north-facing high-level operable windows and external louvres, allowing the sun to penetrate deep into the section. The house utilises passive heating and cooling through inexpensive but effective means: integration of thermal mass in the form of double-brick masonry walls internally and externally; dark tiled floors in the north-facing living/ dining/ kitchen area radiate back absorbed heat in the cooler months; the large ceiling height of the north-facing living room creates a thermal stack effect, releasing heat via high-level windows. Rainwater harvesting is proposed for toilet flushing and garden irrigation. Garage roofs are designed as green, inverted roofs.

Team: David Haseler and Angela Rheinlaender
Structural and Civil Engineer: O’Keefe Engineering